Search by keyword: regional policy

Ranking the Subjects of the Russian Federation Based on Their Potential and Rates of Socio-Economic Development

The article assessed causes and trends of socio-economic differentiation of the Russian federal subjects, as well as prospects of its overcoming, in parti­cular from the standpoint of being ready to transfer their economies onto an innovative development path. We study the relevant objectives of regional development policy and present the current understanding of priorities to overcome inter-regional economic differentiation. We substantiate the ways of integrating federal innovation policy and regional development policy. To this end, the article distinguishes between groups of regions characterized both by the common level of socio-economic development and the specific features of their disposable investment, innovation, and social potentials. We identify how regional economic growth depends on the development indicators of invest­ment, innovation, and social potentials. The article concludes that only flexible approaches in the federal regional policy, which account for the potential specificities of different regional groups, will help to overcome inter-regional economic differentiation, including that based on innovative development.

Bakhtizin A. R. cgemodel@yandeх.ru

Bukhvald Ye. M.

Kolchugina A. V.

Keywords: subjects of the Russian Federation economic differentiation of regions regional policy

Innovative Territories as a Base for the Spatial Structure of the National Innovation System

The paper defines state regional development policy as an economic category. It is shown which strategic objectives will be solved by an integrated approach to regional innovative development policy development and implementation. The article presents a classification of territories according to importance of the National Innovation System and how well the level of innovative potential meets the challenges of social and economic development. The author describes his concept of a “territory of innovative development”, principles to form local innovation systems, and approaches to innovative development of territories with low capacity for innovation. Specific examples are given of how to implement the concept. Mechanisms of direct and indirect financial support for territories of innovative development are justified. The article designs a sequential algorithm for formation of local innovation systems

Ivanov V. V.

Keywords: regional policy regional policy National Innovation System local territories territories of innovative development science cities (“naukograds”) federal conditional programs

Endogenous Development: The New Challenge for Central European Industry

This paper examines the applicability of the concept of endogenous regional development to Central European post-socialist countries. Endogenous development emerged in response to the pressures of the global economy in Western Europe, and focuses on exploiting locally rooted competitive advantages that can counteract the cost advantages of less developed economies, providing a “high road” of socio-economic development. In Central Europe, industrial restructuring has mainly followed a development path based on Foreign Direct Investment, which has reinvigorated competitiveness, but now faces the need to go beyond low costs, and counteract the unfavourable effects of external capital dependency. The paper identifies two different paths to encourage endogenous development, drawing attention to their institutional background and the expected consequences on territorial development

Lux G.

Keywords: endogenous development industry reindustrialisation Foreign Direct Investment regional policy regional policy

Regional Spatially-Neutral and Local Target Focused Policies: Issues of Choice

The paper analyzes modern principles of regional policy and whether they are applicable to the Russian economy. We consider, on the one hand, the principles of the World Bank policy based on a spatially neutral approach to choosing measures of regional policy, and, on the other hand, the EU policy which is focused on local targets and insists on a necessity of differentiated regional incentives. The arguments of both approaches are based on the different concepts, i.e. the theory of the new economic geography and theory of endogenous growth

Melnikova L. V.

Keywords: regional policy interregional differentiation regional policy regional differentiation

Regional Fiscal Policy in the Context of Russian Fiscal Federalism

The paper analyzes how fiscal policy could be set at the regional level and how tax regulation and tax control could be realized. The study bases on comparison of the regional tax statistics data and indicators. To characterize a regional fiscal policy, we present a comparative analysis of efficiency of tax advantages, tax burdens, tax arrears, tax office expenditures, and direct and reverse financial flows in the SFD regions. We show that regional results of the tax control depend not only on regional differentiation, but also reflect the policy pursued by the RF subjects, and there are three types of fiscal policies pursued by the different regions

Kireyenko A. P.

Orlova E. N.

Keywords: Siberian Federal District regional policy economy Siberian Federal District regional policy fiscal policy

Evolution of the Spatial Distribution of Economic Activities in Russia

The main sources of the article are the idea of multiplicity of spatial equilibria and the hypothesis of agglomeration economies. Data was analyzed with indices of spatial concentration and economic assessments. This paper shows that the evolution of the spatial distribution of economic activities in Russia unfolds in parallel with its concentration. We are observing how spatial development model changes to the one which has higher concentration of economic activities and, consequently, higher level of interregional inhomogeneity. There is no outstanding redistribution of production factors and flow of output from the east to the west of Russia. We draw a conclusion that Russian regional policy aimed at supporting ‘points of growth’ and ‘territories of rapid development’ should be seen as ineffective for the moment. Due to agglomeration mechanisms, growing territories are able to improve their dynamics of development independently, without government support. Currently, agglomeration process takes place the length and breadth of Russia, and it is only slightly slower in the eastern part. Under the conditions where interregional competition dominates cooperation, spatial externalities appear to be negative, and government regulation intended to support dynamic economies may lead to further differentiation. Regional policy designed to narrow gaps among regions is a more reasonable solution, which is also supported by restrictions caused by the federal form of government and threat of separatism

Kolomak Ie. A.

Keywords: economic activity spatial model empirical estimations empirical estimation regional policy agglomeration processes

Strategic directions in planning spatial development of regional systems and imperatives of state administration

The paper analyzes social and economic subfederal development plans. It discovers peculiar analogical spatial projections: forms in which socio-economic processes are reproduced and variable-based correlations; it also assesses their inhomogeneity and the degree of concentration. The results of the analysis are stated in tabular analytical schemes made for every subject of the Russian Federation, which allowed to suggest using identification adaptiveness codes as a descriptive tool for the said schemes. Their relations and further synthesis give an opportunity to use them as a ground for social and economic forecasting of how the federal subjects of Russia will develop

Yushkova N. G.

Keywords: imperative regional policy region socio-economic development regional policy state administration social and economic development

Regional Economy and Spatial Development: Critical Notes

The article contains a review of the book «Regional economics and spatial developments This edition is a new major milestone in the Russian educational literature, and it will certainly be popular among teachers and students in the related specialties both at the economics departments and at the area of state and municipal management. At the same time, the paper makes a number of comments and gives a few suggestions (e.g. no special section devoted to modeling spatial development of the country as a system of interacting regions, insufficient reflection of the domestic experience of regional and interregional modeling; not enough criticism when actual conditions of spatial development and regional policy in Russia are presented) which may be taken into account in the next edition of the book

Seliverstov V. Ye.

Keywords: regional economy regional policy regional policy diagnostics spatial planning mechanisms of development regional economics spatial development regional policy

The Russian Federative Relations, Regional Policy, and Deformed Economic Space

The paper considers how notions and criteria of federalism correlate with decentralization of powers and resources, as well as how quality of federative institutions correlates with regional policies. Our analysis of the recent regulatory documents concerning problems of the Russian federalism and regional policy shows that practical solutions proved to be inconsistent with the diagnosed regional problems. Moreover, decentralization of resources under these conditions will enhance the role the federal authorities play in making decisions rather than will bring higher effectiveness of the regional policies.

Klistorin V. I.

Keywords: federalism unitary state federalism regional policy unitary state decentralization of powers

A Comprehensive Approach to the Analysis of Regional Poverty

The paper proves that measuring regional poverty should be comprehensive and include an analysis of the socio-economic and environment situation as well as effectiveness of the existing institutes. We analyze an official approach to and major problems of measuring regional poverty through our case-study for Tyumen Oblast. To describe a full picture of poverty in the oblast, we apply a multidimensional approach and compare indicators of people’s experience of deprivation such as lack of income, lack of capacities for human development, inadequate living standard, social exclusion, and peoples’ poverty assessments. We can also conclude that there is a need to solve problems of the increased social poverty and those of economic poverty observed in the Tyumen Oblast simultaneously.

Rudenko D. Yu.

Keywords: region socio-economic development region socio-economic development regional policy

Federalism, Regional Development, and Regional Studies in the Post-Soviet Time: Modernization or Degradation?

The paper considers a genesis of the federalism, spatial development, and regional policy in the post-soviet time – the 90-s and first decade of the new century. We show the specifics of the Russian transformations observed in these spheres by comparing them with the world trends; their defects and problems; and how to improve them. We also present a brief review of a current state of the Russian regional studies, and assess whether they are of the world level and considered to be applicable as a scientific support to modernize the spatial development of the Russian economy and society

Seliverstov V. Ye.

Keywords: federalism federalism regional policy regional development modernization

Building organizational and economic mechanisms of the accelerated socio-economic development in Siberia

The paper considers the issues of building organizational and economic mechanisms required to strengthen a position of Siberia in the Russian economic space. Our proposals concern such issues as how to modernize the regional policy and regional strategic planning, to ensure the implementation of the Siberian Socio-Economic Development Strategy and innovations in regions, and to build economic mechanisms required for developing production in this macroregion. A special focus is the radical modernization of a Siberian resource complex.

Kriukov V. A.

Kuleshov V. V.

Seliverstov V. Ye.

Keywords: Siberia development mechanisms regional policy diagnostics region

Crisis management at the sub-federal level in the Siberian Federal District

The paper analyzes how the Siberian regions react to the crisis and crisis management arrangements undertaken by the SFD authorities. Our results concern a classification and the general features of these arrangements and how effective they were.

Kolomak Ie. A.

Keywords: crisis crisis regional policy region Siberian Federal District

Regional appreciations: technique andempiricalmeasurements

The paper offers a technique to assess regional appreciations in a multi-regional socio-economic system. This technique is based on the specially prepared arrays of regional indicators. Empirical estimations are calculated for federal districts and 30 macro-regions of Russia. We present our recommendations on applying this technique to make predictive calculations of how the special structure of the Russian economy could develop.

Suspitsyn S. A.

Keywords: region economy regional policy spatial transformations region

Accelerated socio-economic development in the Russian regions: factors and mechanisms

The paper presents the authors' techniques and analysis of how GRP dynamics depends on key factors of economic growth in different RF regions. We identified the conditions, challenges, and limitations (such as macro-structural and resource limitations, socio-economic challenges, and effectiveness) which impact the development in the regions of the Russian Far East. For the regions of Siberia and Ural, we made a cluster analysis based on the levels of development of primary and secondary sectors of the economy. We also can state that there is a negative correlation between the regional resource development and regional capital productivity growth.

Vlasyuk L. I.

Suspitsyn S. A.

Shelomentsev A. G.

Keywords: regional economy inter-regional inequality regional policy Siberia Far East multiregional systems

Modernizing the real sector of the economy: spatial aspect

The paper considers the principle tasks, priorities, trends, and sources of modernizing the Russian socio-economic system and its real sector. We show the peculiarities of modernization of the spatial structure of the economy; dynamics and efficiency of some economic activities; and the fact that peculiarities of regional economic systems such as the state and structure of fixed assets, sectoral production structure, and receptivity to innovations are the important factors of the modernization. We also describe the different approaches to regional policy aimed at modernization, and display a necessity to have a balanced regional policy.

Aganbegyan A. G.

Miheeva N. N.

Soboleva S. V.

Fetisov G. G.

Keywords: modernization modernization priorities of the sectoral development financial resources spatial growth state of fixed assets dynamics dynamics and efficiency of different industries regional policy investments interregional differentiation

Socio-economic potential of multiple patterns of life in rural areas (a case-study for the Belgorod Oblast)

The paper analyses factors of the agricultural development in the Belgorod Oblast and specific features of its local agricultural pattern. A special focus of the paper is the regional policy aimed at diversification of rural economy patterns, stimulation of modernization of large private corporations and making such corporations liable for social and ecologic obligations. The experience of the Belgorod Oblast has shown a special social mission of such diversified rural economy pattern where multiple forms and instruments of coordination of different interests could build a mutual liability for vital aspects of rural communities.

Fadeeva O. P.

Keywords: Belgorod Oblast rural development regional policy regional policy economic pattern agroholdings hydrocarbon resources

Analyzing the regional strategic planning in the Siberian Federal District

The paper considers how the systems of strategic planning are shaping in the regions of the Siberian Federal District. A comparative analysis of the strategies and long-term programs for the Siberian regions is presented. This allows identifying the key problems of regional strategic planning practiced by the Russian and Siberian regions.

Seliverstov V. Ye.

Melnikova L. V.

Keywords: regional strategic planning стратегии strategies Siberian Federal District regional policy

Tools of regional policy: assessing the efficiency of their application

The paper analyzes the techniques for assessing efficiencies and results of federal conditional programs implemented at regional levels, as well as projects and special economic zones. We show that assessment of efficiency is made only at the stage of choosing the tools to be applied. However, the monitoring of programs and projects are conducted only concerning the indicators of allocation and launching investment resources. We present our proposals on how to improve such practice to have an opportunity to assess the tools of regional policy in more adequate manner.

Miheeva N. N.

Ananyeva R. I.

Keywords: regional policy regional policy techniques to assess the efficiency selective support investment fund federal conditional programs

Regional Innovation System in West Transdanubia

On the base of public opinion poll, the paper studies key factors determining the development of a regional innovation system. We describe the socio-economic trends and regional innovation and scientific potential through generalizing the data concerning the Western Transdanubia NUT. We also show the role which innovation policy and its network tools play in innovation activity of regional businesses.

Chizmadia Z.

Gross A.

Keywords: Hungary NUT (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics) regional policy trends innovation public opinion poll

Regional monitoring as an informational and managerial base for regional policy and strategic planning

The paper analyses the methodological issues of building regional monitoring systems (to monitor regional situations and problems) as well as the best practices of such informational and monitoring systems. The paper also considers the approaches appropriate to formimg a socio-economic block of the Monitoring System of the Socio-Economic and Environmental Situation Center for the Siberian Federal District.

Seliverstov V. Ye.

Keywords: monitoring region region informational systems indicators diagnostics regional policy

Assessing potential growths in Russian regions through regional phenotypes

The paper offers a technique based on regional phenotypes for calculation of anticipated composite regional indices. We present our calculation of such indices for the period till 2015 through using the data covering 2000-2007.

Suspitsyn S. A.

Keywords: regional policy scenarios regional policy

Towards methodology of the research and regulation of spatial development

The paper considers the methodology of systemic regional studies including the peculiarities of the object and method of analysis; identifies the reasons of mismatching a basic model of regional studies and the most critical regional problems, and describes the contradiction between the new objectives of regional development, on the one hand, and Russian regional policy, on the other hand. The paper analyses the relation of regional and economic policies, and the issues of how to ensure the adequate information support for studies and to provide the management of regional development processes.

Leksin V. N.

Keywords: methodology system regional studies essence subject methods spatial management regional policy economic policy

Russian federalism: regional policy of supporting municipal units

Proceeding from a view that a municipal level of governance seems to be a matter-of-course basis both for federate relations and an effective decentralized decision-making system in modern economy, we consider the development issues of municipal units and population settlement patterns. We also discuss what informational base is required to make good strategic decisions on of population settlement patterns, and try to identify what threats the recessionary events, which are progressing in Russian economy, may pose to municipal units and what capacities municipal units have to resist.

Klistorin V. I.

Keywords: federalism centralization decentralization regional policy regional policy spatial development depressed area

World crisis and Russian spatial socio-economic development strategy

The paper considers the issues of how the crisis can be diagnosed in Russian regions and how the national anti-crises program can be regionalized including the question of efficiency of such regional anti-crises programs. We analyses the potential anti-crisis scenarios and how the current crisis may affect the future trajectory of regional development. On the base of the calculations made by applying the interregional intersectoral models, we presented some variants of a long-term forecast for the spatial socio-economic development in the Russian Federation.

Granberg A. G.

Miheeva N. N.

Minakir P. A.

Kuleshov V. V.

Iershov Iu. S.

Seliverstov V. Ye.

Suslov V. I.

Suspitsyn S. A.

Keywords: crisis region crisis region regional policy anti-crisis programs

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
