Ершов Ю. С.
Iershov Iu. S.
№4 Siberian Peripheral District: Stability or Stagnation?2023
№3 Cost-Benefit Analysis in the Evaluation of Large Research Infrastructure Projects: Akademgorodok 2.02019
№1 Interregional Differentiation, Donor and Recipient Regions: a Variety of Estimates and Conclusions2017
№2 Estimation of the Public Efficiency of the Infrastructure Project on the Example of the Second Branch ofthe Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean Oil Pipeline2016
№1 Economic competition between Russian regions2014
№1 The Siberian Federal District within the Current Russian Economy2013
№1 Novosibirsk Oblast as a Phenomenon of the Russian Modern Economy2010
№2 Differences in consequences of the crisis across regions2009
№4 World crisis and Russian spatial socio-economic development strategy2008
№4 Interregional aspects of present development of the Russian economy2006
№4 Russian Federal Districts: Peculiarities of Economic and Social Development2005
№4 The Siberian Federal District: status quo and perspectives of development2004
№3 Basic models for evaluation of validity of economic decisions2003
№4 The economy of federal districts: comparative analysis.№2 Optimal planning of experiment in sectoral and regional studies: theory and application.
№4 Russia's accession in the World Trade Organisation: economic consequences for regions№4 Regional forecasting: prices and outputs
№1 Interregional economic relations in the years of reforms: status quo and prospects