Statute on reviewing manuscripts for research articles in the journal “Region: Economics and Sociology”
The identities and number of reviewers for each article are determined by the Editorial Board.
The reviewing process does not exceed one month.
Papers are reviewed anonymously (reviewers do not know the authors of the articles).
Reviewers evaluate:
whether the article conforms to the specialization of the journal,
whether the article states a scientific problem,
the problem that constitutes the article and how it is considered,
new ideas proposed by the author and the novelty of the obtained results,
whether the solutions to the discussed problem are convincing, and the information is logically presented,
whether the research results presented in the article correspond to the initial problem definition,
terminological consistency,
whether the author knows which academic literature discussed the same problems,
peculiarities of the author’s style and language (their clarity, a need for further scientific and linguistic editing, etc.),
overall conclusion.
Based on their evaluation, reviewers give an overall conclusion on the possibilities of publishing the article.
The review should specify the reviewer’s full name, his academic degree and title, the date when the review was submitted to the Editorial Board (the author of the article is not informed of these details).
With due regard to the reviewers’ opinions, the Editorial Board decides if the article should be published.
The Editorial Board reports their decision to the author.