Фадеева О. П.
Fadeeva O. P.
№1 Man on the Territory: Spatial Analysis in the Research of the Novosibirsk School of Economic Sociology2021
№2 Practices of Public Participation in Local Self-Governance: Case Studies of Siberian Villages2020
№4 Agrarian land use in Russia and Siberian regions under digital transformation2019
№4 Farming Households in Siberian Villages: Transformation Problems2017
№3 Reindustrialization of the Rural Economy in Transbaikal: Traps and Opportunities2016
№4 Realia of Rural Local Self-Government: Reforms and Their Implications2015
№3 Socio-Economic Polarization of Rural Areas in Russia2012
№4 Socio-economic potential of multiple patterns of life in rural areas (a case-study for the Belgorod Oblast)2006
№4 Outlining the Future of Rural Community in Siberia№3 “Hard luck story” of abandoned villages (sociological study)