Content №3 от 2009

Analyzing factors of regional competitiveness

We assess some indicators of regional economic activity which can show the competitiveness of a region, and analyze key factors which are of importance for their higher competitiveness and which we consider to be an empirical basis for assessing regional competitiveness. Factors and impetus to higher regional competitiveness are classified. To illustrate our conclusions, we compared some competitive positions of the Novosibirsk Oblast with those for other regions of the Siberian Federal District.

Kolomak Ie. A.

Keywords: competitiveness region region factors geographic location production potential infrastructure human capital

Innovation mesa-economic systems: institutional specifics, cluster models, and development

The paper explores correlation between the structure of a mesa-economic system and institutional features. Having analyzed the spatial context of small business and having compared the innovation company clusters of different managerial types, we can state that institutional environment and a type of mesa-economic system proved to be interrelated. We also identified the factors and models of business clusters.

Markov L. S.

Yagolnitser M. A.

Markova V. M.

Teplova I. G.

Keywords: small and large enterprises innovation cluster clusterization model модели кластеризации

Towards methodology of the research and regulation of spatial development

The paper considers the methodology of systemic regional studies including the peculiarities of the object and method of analysis; identifies the reasons of mismatching a basic model of regional studies and the most critical regional problems, and describes the contradiction between the new objectives of regional development, on the one hand, and Russian regional policy, on the other hand. The paper analyses the relation of regional and economic policies, and the issues of how to ensure the adequate information support for studies and to provide the management of regional development processes.

Leksin V. N.

Keywords: methodology system regional studies essence subject methods spatial management regional policy economic policy

Comparative assessment of post-crisis restart of regional economic growth (perspectives for the near future)

The paper analyses the statistical assessments concerning Russian regional development in 2007-2008, and gives a forecast of the socio-economic regional development for the period of time up to 2011. The scale of the recovery growth by 2012 is presented here as well as the basic trends in spatial structure. Our calculations show that most RF regions, within the framework of an experts’ moderately optimistic scenario of possible development in the Russian Federation, will overcome an active phase of their economic recession by 2012.

Suspitsyn S. A.

Keywords: spatial structure of economy interregional comparison regional consequences of economic crisis development scenarios mid-range forecast

Some fragments of the latest trends in regional development

The paper analyses how the regional differentiation of real sectors of the economy and intergovernmental relations changed over the last few years. We consider the links between economic growth and regional differentiation as well as the trends of how regional fiscal equilibrium changes including those changes caused by regional merging processes.

Postnikova Ye. A.

Shiltsin E. A.

Keywords: region economy region economy differentiation intergovernmental relations budget

Russian federalism: regional policy of supporting municipal units

Proceeding from a view that a municipal level of governance seems to be a matter-of-course basis both for federate relations and an effective decentralized decision-making system in modern economy, we consider the development issues of municipal units and population settlement patterns. We also discuss what informational base is required to make good strategic decisions on of population settlement patterns, and try to identify what threats the recessionary events, which are progressing in Russian economy, may pose to municipal units and what capacities municipal units have to resist.

Klistorin V. I.

Keywords: federalism centralization decentralization regional policy regional policy spatial development depressed area

Integrated assessment of large regional projects

The intersectoral instruments proposed to assess disbenefits of a project being implemented in a region allow analyzing not only the effect of the project on a local economy, as a limited number of contiguous and visible links are taken into consideration, but also its effect on a national economy. To illustrate this, we applied here the natural gas development project for Yamal peninsula. In our opinion, the intensive implementation of this project is required even if the world‘s demand for gas drops.

Malov V. Yu.

Melentiev B. V.

Aleshina O. V.

Keywords: intersectoral interregional models complexity structure assessment assessment natural gas goals efficiency project

Regulating the foreign economic activity in Sakhalin Oblast

The paper analyzes the regional legislative improvements of external economic relations made by the Sakhalin Oblast’s authorities, and shows that this process should be intensified since the potential of the region, being a frontier one, has not been fully realized despite its positive dynamics in foreign trade and foreign investments.

Urubkova I. E.

Keywords: foreign economic activity Sakhalin Oblast region region foreign investments legal system

Vocational education in the innovation development context: labour market’s demand

This sociological research is devoted to the analysis of labour market and educational services in the Novosibirsk Oblast, and shows employers’ demand both for professional training (types and levels) and employees’ competences (professional and social).

Vavilina N. D.

Keywords: professional education model labour market demand types of professional training competencies social qualities of labour force

Labour resources in the innovation and traditional sectors of regional economy

We show how the labour behaviour and stuffing models are shaping in an innovation sector of the economy as well as the incentives and factors of such shaping. We also assess to what degree the educational, professional, labour and personality potential of the professionally trained youth is presently utilized.

Arsentyeva N. M.

Kharchenko I. I.

Busygin V. P.

Keywords: кадровое обеспечение стратегии staffing strategies labour behavior young labour force competencies human potential innovation

Russian railway system development strategy: South-East vector

The paper shows what the project connecting the Trans-Korean and Trans-Siberian railways contributes to the Russia-Republic of Korea cooperation aimed at the development of the Far East and Siberia natural resources. We identified the alternative variants of implementing the project as well as the advantages that the Republic of Korea would have in comparison with other potential parties of the project. We consider the project to be of high risk.

Kibalov Ie. B.

Nekhoroshev V. P.

Keywords: railway south-east vector Trans-Korean Railway Trans-Siberian Railway transit traffic reconstruction

Cargo traffic in Khabarovsk Kray: trends in its forming and servicing

The paper considers the dynamics of cargo traffic and its servicing by the Khabarovsk Kray transportation system. The ratio of the today and prospective cargo traffic being served by different modes of transportation and in basic transportation hubs are assessed allowing for the transit traffic. The development of this regional transportation system is considered within the framework of a long-term national transportation strategy (up to 2020).

Bardal A. B.

Kalashnikov V. D.

Keywords: cargo traffic transportation complex regional economy Far East Far East Khabarovsk Kray

Transportation-and-logistics centers projects: assessing their expecting efficiency

We consider the problem of how to select an investment project according to a two-criterion technique and illustrate this issue by the transportation-and- logistic center project for the Novosibirsk Oblast. We also analyze how regular the investments are made and show the minimal discounted costs and an algorithm and the mechanism to select Paretto’s optimal investments.

Pyataev M. V.

Keywords: transportation-and- logistic center Paretto’s optimum regularity multicriteria равномерность освоения инвестиций многокритериальный

Solving the problem of oil-dissolved gas utilization: interests and role of oil-producing sectors

The problem of the oil-dissolved gas utilization remains urgent for Russian oil-and-gas sector. Tens of billions of the gas cubic meters continue to be burnt in flares, and the tendency of less utilization has been observed. In prospect, the oil-producing regions could have the significant socio-economic benefits by developing the oil-dissolved gas utilization industries as the negative ecologic effects would be minimized, the higher employment would be attained, the higher tax payments to budgets and more diversified economy would be and etc.

Tokarev A. N.

Keywords: oil-dissolved gas oil-producing region utilization gas manufacture taxes stimulation complex programs

Fiscal and tax management of small and medium business under the crisis in Kazakhstan

The crisis has had a negative effect on small and medium business in the Republic of Kaskhstan. We analyze basic factors which impede the development of small and medium business in the Republic and the ways which would stimulate the development in this sector.

Khalitova M. M.

Keywords: small and medium business tax taxation tax holiday tax burden tax rate special tax regime crediting

Tools for managing regional enterprise efficiency

The author presents his theoretical considerations concerning the building of tools to manage efficiency of a regional enterprise which combine the potential of intersectoral and international sources of improvements and the different types of benchmarking.

Goncharuk A. G.

Keywords: region region assessment enterprises efficiency benchmarking management mechanism

Understanding aboriginal educational outcomes: the role of social capital

This paper examines the impacts of social capital on Aboriginal educational attainment in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. We developed a synthesis looking for patterns and distilling the role of social capital. In writing our results we chose programs and policies of countries targeted that illustrated our synthesis.

White J.

Keywords: functions models New Zealand Australia Canada Aboriginal peoples education social capital

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