Search by keyword: efficiency

Federal districts on the Russian migration map

In our opinion, the Russian economy may experience the sudden changes in labor supply in future. A labor market could yield not much if a governmental decision on higher permissive retirement age, motivated by a deficit of the Russian Pension Fund but not a higher labor demand, is approved. It is obviously that to suspend depopulation in the country would be possible only by a higher migration component, and Russia could attract a necessary number of immigrants. However, both an ineffective governmental policy in relation to a legal immigrant status and illegal statuses of most immigrants impact the quality of a flow of immigrants and a share of legal immigrants rather than a size of the flow. A further western orientation of the migration and its centripetal character could be regarded as a long-standing trend. A demographic crisis and in particular its component - migration, could stronger polarize the Russian territory economically, as well as inhabited areas of Russia within all regions could shrink not only in the east to west direction, but also from peripheries to centers.

Zayonchkovskaya Zh. A.

Keywords: labour market efficiency labor forces demand sources of finance migrants

Integrated assessment of large regional projects

The intersectoral instruments proposed to assess disbenefits of a project being implemented in a region allow analyzing not only the effect of the project on a local economy, as a limited number of contiguous and visible links are taken into consideration, but also its effect on a national economy. To illustrate this, we applied here the natural gas development project for Yamal peninsula. In our opinion, the intensive implementation of this project is required even if the world‘s demand for gas drops.

Malov V. Yu.

Melentiev B. V.

Aleshina O. V.

Keywords: intersectoral interregional models complexity structure assessment assessment natural gas goals efficiency project

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
