Search by keyword: financial-economic crisis

Federal Fiscal Policy for Siberian Regions

The paper analyzes Russian fiscal policy toward Siberian regions. The assessment of efficiency of intergovernmental relations set in the spirit of fiscal federalism, in the author’s opinion, should be connected, first of all, with a balance between fiscal revenues and expenditures in regions. It is a matter of correlation of the demand for fiscal expenditures in time and opportunities to meet them by tax and non-tax revenues located in regions (without external resources). In general the SFD showed a good balance of regional demand and local resources to meet them except the recession years. The District could be considered as a self-sufficient region which can maintain its balance, although extremely vulnerable, of the regional revenues and spending. The opportunities to cover the demands by their own revenues significantly differ in the different regions, and a lack of own revenues is reimbursed through outer support. The question is a scope of such support to regions since any centralized support should take into account what appropriate share the region contributes to the total revenues of the country. To what degree our current fiscal policy meets these conditions is in focus of this paper. Our conclusions are: fiscal capacities of region-outsiders could not be less than their contributions to the total revenues of the country; and region-leaders’ contributions could not be an upper limit of their fiscal capacities due to the social and political requirements

Lavrovsky B. L.

Goryushkina Ye. A.

Murzov I. A.

Keywords: SFD regions taxes taxes financial-economic crisis federal budget revenues expenditures

Northern regions of Russia: economic dynamics and development problems

The paper describes what regional economic tendencies are observed in the Russian North, and how national crisis processes affect the regional economies. We tried to take into consideration a current necessity of enhancing the innovation factors for the development of both national and regional economies.

Selin V. S.

Keywords: taxes financial-economic crisis regulation dynamics innovation forecast country economy region crisis region economy region economy

Methodologies of analyzing inter-regional income inequalities

The paper provides an overview of methodologies applied to analyzing inter-regional income inequalities such as a cross-section approach, a time-series approach, and a distribution dynamics approach. In the paper we present some of them and describe the domains of their applicability.

Gluschenko K. P.

Keywords: financial-economic crisis incomes gross regional product inter-regional inequality economic growth

Financial anti-crisis measures in Heilongjiang Province

The paper shows what specific features of the economic structure in Hei-longjiang Province allow reducing negative impacts of the world financial-economic crisis on different spheres of the province economy, and describes the economic and social measures which central and province governments undertake to come out of a recession.

Ma Yujiung 0

Keywords: region region strategy economy financial-economic crisis structure economy

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
