Search by keyword: investments

Foreign investments into Russian knowledge economy: national and regional aspects

The paper shows the roles which foreign capitals play in building knowledge economy in Russia, the Siberian Federal District, and Kemerovo Oblast. We can state that most investments coming to domestic economy from abroad go to the industries directly connected with the producing, dissemination, and consumption of new knowledge, and the largest share of the foreign investments made into knowledge-intensive industries is comprised of credits.

Zhernov Ye. Ye.

Chausova A. I.

Keywords: investments region knowledge economy Siberian Federal District foreign investments

State research centers and the national innovation system

The paper analyses development capacities of the research centers considered as a key element of the national innovation system. We show the current management problems in such centers and kinds of supports provided by the government. The ways how to reform the operation of such centers to enhance better cooperation of all elements of the innovation system are presented here.

Untura G. A.

Keywords: state research center innovation investments strategy region infrastructure

Impact of the crisis on innovations in Russia: theory and reality

The paper analyses the innovation processes in Russia, and how the crisis affects them. We conclude that our policy responses to the crisis should imply the governmental support for factors of the innovation processes, which could be considered as one of the ways in practice to control and mitigate the crisis.

Untura G. A.

Keywords: investments innovation crisis knowledge economy region scenarios industrial policy

Capacities and prospects of the innovation development in Siberia

The paper shows a present state of the Siberian scientific, technological and innovation potential which includes a number of scientific achievements of world's significance, a developed system of higher education and scientific personnel training, and an advanced industrial complex including the knowledge-intensive sectors. We identify the key challenges of future development and key problems required to be resolved to build a holistic innovation system in Siberia which could adequately solve such challenges; and propose a scenario of how the existed potential could be targeted on innovation development that allow better competitive advantages of SFD and more favorable conditions of life.

Kravchenko N. A.

Untura G. A.

Keywords: challenges Siberia dynamics innovation education strategy region investments infrastructure innovation Siberia

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
