Search by keyword: production

Gold reserves and economic indicators of gold production

The study analyzes the dynamics of interdependence of large foreign companies' economic indicators and changes of their gold reserves. This allows the companies to have more reliable forecasts of their gold production and reserves, and to build their development strategies with due consideration of reserves.

Samsonov N. Yu.

Keywords: production gold company raw materials base prices costs reserves value стоимость

World financial crisis and Russian oil-and-gas complex

In the period of crisis, there was observed a short slowdown in implementation of the production and infrastructure projects by Russian oil-and-gas production complex. We show that there was no notable drop in investments made into the oil-and-gas production and transport while a critical reduction in financing the geologic explorations happened. The world oil and gas prices decreased in relation to their peak values, but remain at the level exceeding the values of the last decades, and show tendency to grow.

Korzhubaev A. G.

Keywords: crisis oil crisis banks prices oil dynamics production gas

West-Siberian oil-and-gas complex: problems and decisions

The study analyses the issues of the development of the West-Siberian oil-and-gas complex. Before the 1990-s, when the complex was creating as a new national base of oil-and-gas production, the country faced the difficulties due to the lack of investments, equipment, materials, and vehicles, as well as a housing deficit, whereas later the reducing efficiency of the complex's operating was observed. The causes of this economic phenomenon are analyzed here. We also outline a long-run policy of the oil-and-gas production in the region

Bykovsky V. A.

Keywords: North North West Siberia development production oil-and-gas industry assessment gas

Directions of coal industry development

The paper describes an economic situation in coal industry of the East of Russia, i.e. the coal production, reserves, supply and consumption as well as the problems, priorities and development goals of this sector. Having formulated a prospective demand for coal, we show how the coal industry could develop in this region over the period till 2030.

Sokolov A. D.

Takaishvili L. N.

Keywords: coal production consumption anti-crisis programs production reserves and resources Eastern Siberia Far East

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
