Search by keyword: Arctic

Strategic Planning for the Social and Economic Development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation

The article presents an analysis of the current situation in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation by identifying factors that impede the sustainable economic growth of the macro-region, obstruct the implementation of invest­ment policies, and affect the level of economic competitiveness. A special focus is put on an integrated approach to the determination of the macro-region's status, its role in the system of socio-economic development, strategic planning, not only in ensuring the national interests of our country and global compe­titiveness of Russia in the Arctic, but also in practical forecasting. In addition, we analyze the contemporary experience of state regulation for the development of polar areas in the USA and Canada. The article provides suggestions for further improving the system of strategic planning documents aimed at imple­mentation of the state policy of Russia in the Arctic.

Baturova G. V.

Konovalov A. M.

Keywords: Arctic Arctic zone of the Russian Federation strategic planning social and economic development cluster-based policy federal law

Mammoth Fauna in Arctic Yakutia

The subject of this study is mammoth fauna resources in Arctic regions of the Russian Federation, including the bone-bearing locality in the northern part of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The article estimates the quantity offossil mammoth ivory of the Northern-Yakut bone-bearing province. It also justifies the creation of federal law on the rational use ofmammoth fauna as an exclusive geocryogenic natural resource traditionally used by indigenous peoples of the North of Russia. We present proposals for inclusion of fossil mammoth ivory in the All-Russian Classifier of Mineral Resources and Subsoil Water.

Kirillin N. D.

Pakhomov A. A.

Keywords: Yakutia Arctic mammoth fauna fossil mammoth ivory federal law bone-bearing province

Priorities of the Current Governmental Development Strategies for Arctic Regions

The paper analyses the strategic documents on the development of natural resources adopted by subarctic countries. This allows us to identify what coincidences and differences in the strategies, goals, priorities and trends can be observed in different countries. The paper considers the opportunity of applying partnership and cooperation to the Arctic development, and what institutions could be regarded as those of the most valuable for transnational regulation in the Arctic. We also present what positive and negative trends can be observed in the Arctic policy carried out by the Russian Federation.

Selin V. S.

Bashmakova E. P.

Keywords: Arctic the Arctic Arctic hydrocarbonic recourses Arctic Council transportation potential Siberia hydrocarbon resources transportation potential foreign investments

Approaches to the Development of the Russian Arctic and Eastern Regions

The paper characterizes the Russian Arctic areas and eastern regions, and it proves that they (both or either of them) should not be considered as a united object of planning and management. The development strategies for each of the regions should be specified not only in the regional documents, but also in federal ones. Taking into consideration the realities of current regional management in the country and a principle of indivisibility of RF subjects, it seems advisable to give a priority to the level of RF subjects. However, it is also reasonable to treat the regions under study as independent targets of our public regional policy, administration, and, first of all, strategic planning.

Sevastianova A. Ie.

Keywords: region Arctic region management spatial development Arctic eastern regions

Arctic Policies in the Context of Global Instability: Experiences and Lessons for Russia

The paper analyzes how different countries developed their Arctic polices and strategies in the context of the globalization processes, climate changes, and geo-political and economic trends. We also analyze the innovation aspects, resources, risks and uncertainties, and new drivers of their Artic development; problems of their sovereignty and national security; and feasibility to make such risks, uncertainties and instability less through international cooperation. A special focus is on the economic aspects of the Russian North and Arctic in the context of the global instability, risks and threats

Pelyasov A. N.

Kuleshov V. V.

Seliverstov V. Ye.

Keywords: Arctic factors Arctic resources Arctic Ocean Arctic policy energy-output ratio Siberia national Arctic strategies globalization risks uncertainty

Northern and Arctic regions: what role they play in Russian development under new geo-economic conditions

The paper shows the growing contradictory tendencies which govern the world line-up and force cohesion in the XXI century. We present our assessment of the environmental, resource and transportation potential in Northern and Arctic regions; and we prove that Russian Northern and Arctic regions are of special interest to the country in ensuring the national economic, geo-politic, defensive and other interests. The energy resources and transportation potential in Northern and Arctic regions, as we believe, could be one of the tools advisable to modernize the national economy and ensure - through realizing an effective governmental socio-economic policy - the sustainable spatial development in Northern and Arctic regions

Selin V. S.

Bashmakova E. P.

Keywords: North Arctic Arctic hydrocarbonic recourses transportation potential Northern Sea Route clusters space geopolitics geoeconomics economic interests

Expecting climate changes in the Arctic: socio-economic consequences

The paper show what features of global warming can be observed in the Russian Arctic, and summarize the socio-economic consequences and risks of climate changes expecting in the Arctic region in the early XXI century.

Selin V. S.

Tereschenko E. B.

Vasilyev V. V.

Keywords: sea transport shelf deposit regional and global trends climate change socio-economic process business Arctic

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
