Content №4 от 2006

Russian Federal Districts: Peculiarities of Economic and Social Development

The article gives a comparative analysis of the economic development in Russian federal districts in 2001-2005. The reasons of the present high annual GRP growth in all large regions are shown by the authors as well as the factors causing the lower discrepancy in the regional economic growth and living standards. It is the authors’ opinion that, due to the favorable external economic situation at present, these could be the ground for the higher consumption with the rates twice as much as the domestic production, and could give an opportunity for regulating a steadily growing monetary flow of the Russian currency and therefore of the effective demand in regional markets. The article also gives a medium-range forecast showing that the current trends will remain and a long-range (up to 2020) forecast showing that if the present investment tendency remains, no positive changes in the development of the Eastern regions in Russia could be expected.

Iershov Iu. S.

Ibragimov N. M.

Melnikova L. V.

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
