Content №4 от 2002

Market innovative climate in a region

The paper considers the substance and structure of the innovative climate in a region. While the generation of innovations depends on the existence of the relevant research personnel, the performance of innovative enterprises depends primarily on their retrospective location, technological specialisation and demand for new products. The paper outlines elements of the contemporary conception of the innovative climate in a market economy, problems concerning its transformation and gives examples from the international experience on the creation of market conditions in a region.

Untura G. A.

Economic development of the Russian part of the Euro-Arctic region

The problem analysis of the present state of the economy and environment in the Russian part of the Barents Euro-Arctic region (Republic of Karelia, the Murmansk and Archangel regions, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug) precede the comprehensive forecast. The main strategic directions for the economic and environmental development of these regions, as well as methods and mechanisms of interregional integration are identified and formulated and forecasting estimates given.

Selin V. S.

Istomin A. V.

The effect of coal enterprises of Siberia and the Far East on the environment

The man-caused effect of the coal industry of Siberia and the Far East on the environment is examined. By use of official procedures adopted in 1999 by the RF State Committee on Environment Protection, the environment-economic harm is estimated. Some of these procedures require refinement. It concerns, for example, the estimation of the damage inflicted by nonused rocks and wastes from enrichment of coal mines. On the basis of analysis, it is proposed to change the sequence of funding the environment-protection operations, mainly in regard to opencast mines.

Zhuravel N. M.

Churashev V. N.

Klem-Musatova I. K.

Russia's accession in the World Trade Organisation: economic consequences for regions

Before a very probable and near accession of Russia in the World Trade Organization the authors analyze the studies devoted to the consequences of this step for the economy of Russia's regions. The authors note a huge gap in the research of this problem, predominance of fragmentary valuations, the leading role of industry-related approach, a great number of speculative conclusions and the lack of proper instruments that would account for all the complexity of inter-industry and inter-regional interactions. According to the authors, for the national economy in general and for the eastern and northern areas, in particular, the balance of pluses and minuses of further liberalization of foreign trade and domestic economy is not in favor of the former.

Iershov Iu. S.

Ibragimov N. M.

Melnikova L. V.

Sakhalin: organisational-economic mechanism of management

Two contrasting scenarios of the external environment for the Sakhalin region are presented. The key variable parameter in these scenarios is the project of the inland-Sakhalin-island direct railway communication treated in them with different degree of expansion. This approach, according to the authors, is adequate to the realities of the future globalised world, in which, along with the internet-economy and its information ties, an important role will be played by transport (physical) communications. Alternative variants of the region's economic management mechanisms are described and the estimation of anticipated efficiency of these mechanisms given.

Kin A. A.

Kibalov Ie. B.

Development strategy for Siberia: comparison of variants and lines of further research

On the 7th June 2002 the Government of the Russian Federation approved the Strategy of the Economic Development for Siberia. The question arises about the choice of directions of further research supporting this strategy and its adaptation to possible political, economic and social scenarios of events in Russia and the world due to globalisation of world economic relationships. In other words, what actions must be implemented within the strategy to achieve a guaranteed result, i.e., an acceptable level of utility functions declared in the strategy? In a context of the uncertainty caused by incomplete market transition in Russia and processes of globalisation in the world, a hypothesis is advanced that this problem can be solved by creation of effective management-economic mechanisms. An approach to determination of a reasonable set of potentially effective alternative mechanisms is proposed as well as methodology for choosing from them the most preferable ones. The instruments considered will include the use of modern information technologies and involvement of a wide circle of experts at the analysis and synthesis stages. The working tool at all stages must be comparison of scientific foundations of the strategy for Siberia developed at the SB RAS with those of the governmental version of strategy published in this journal No.4, 2001, and No.3, 2002, respectively.

Kibalov Ie. B.

Kuleshov V. V.

The social situation of the Krasnoyarsk region

The author has formulated a system of criteria and indices for assessment of the social status of the Krasnoyarsk region. On the basis of these indicators, the analysis of unemployment rate, poverty, income differentiation of households, death and birth rate, etc. was carried out. The general social and demographic situation in the region is found to be unsatisfactory.

Shaparev N. Ya.

Possible effective mechanism of taxation in a region

A possibility for a region to increase the revenues from its own tax sources is examined. The regional taxation system is now in organisational distress because its forms and methods are at variance with business activity and this leads to tax dodging. The paper shows how to overcome this crisis and suggests measures to achieve the effective tax control within the present civil legislation.

Didovich A. P.

Regional forecasting: prices and outputs

Regional forecasts are considered on the basis of the national-economic approach conventionally used at the IEIE SB RAS. It allows to investigate the economy of an individual large region against the trends in other regions and in the national terms. The paper shows some special features in the system of the inter-industry and inter-region distribution of generated products and incomes that appeared in the course of market reformation. These features of the system must be taken into account at the model level. In continuation of the authors' earlier work, the methodology for use of the Markov models in the analysis of national economic processes at the international level is given.

Pavlov V. N.

Zaikin V. S.

Iershov Iu. S.

Oil producing regions under changes in the taxation system

The paper analyses changes in the system of taxation of the oil and gas sector of Russia that took place in the beginning of 2002. The reformation was extended to all oil-production key taxes: payments for the use of mineral resources, tax on profits, allocations for the restoration of the raw materials base, excise tax, and export duties. These changes are very painful to the interests of resource regions: the revenues of consolidated regional budgets from hydrocarbon production decrease. In the new situation it is required that the terms of all already made licence agreements be specified. The introduction of the severance tax (in its present form) will not stimulate the rational development of the hydrocarbon reserves, since on deposits with different mining-geological characteristics and at different stages of development the uniform rates are being established.

Tokarev A. N.

The chemical complex of the Irkutsk region in the years of reforms

The largest chemical complex was created in the Irkutsk region in the Soviet period. Its state during the years of reforms, the causes for non-efficient performance in the last decade are analysed, and measures towards recovery from the crisis are substantiated.

Tarakanov M. A.

The strategy of economic development of the Irkutsk region in the beginning of XXI century

The development of the Irkutsk region is going on today according to the strategy that is half-century old. It was effective under relatively low costs of electric and heat energy, of main transport lines, labour, and when the products generated were sold largely in the domestic market. The persistence of the old strategy under new social and economic conditions is the reason for lack of tangible results in the region's development. Today advantageous are high tech productions working for the end consumer and using the achievements of science. The paper examines main directions of a new development strategy in the region. It is, essentially, a transition from the export-resource to innovative patterns.

Smirnov N. V.

A new stage in the cooperation between the northern regions of Canada and of the Siberian Federal District

Two scientific-practical seminars and other events within the framework of the Russian-Canadian program of academic exchange in national governance and development of northern areas with account of objectives of the Siberian Federal District were held on June 24-28, 2002 in Novosibirsk. Information is given about the seminar participants, problems discussed and preliminary results of the discussions.

Seliverstov V. Ye.

Klistorin V. I.

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