Search by keyword: innovation scoreboard

Monitoring the Regional Socio-Economic Development: about a Set of the Indicators

The paper states that the technique to monitor the socio-economic development based on the system of the indicators common for all units of the Russian Federation does not allow applying scientific paradigms to regional governance. We offer a list of indicators which could reflect regional specifics in a proper monitoring of the regional socio-economic development and test its application for the Irkutsk Oblast.

Bondarev A. E.

Keywords: region socio-economic development monitoring region innovation scoreboard regional economy

Innovation development: problems of measurement

The paper presents the results of studies on identifying a set of indicators to assess innovation development and its applying to innovation management. Using the EC data, the author shows the situation in this sphere characteristic for this most advanced region. As such indicators are mainly of the analytical characters, the necessity to apply a widen set of indicators to solve both analytical and managerial tasks is obvious. The innovation strategies developed by EC are also considered here, and the key indicators of major strategies are offered.

Zverev V. S.

Keywords: European Union European Union innovation development innovation strategy innovation scoreboard innovation development innovation strategy indicators

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
