Search by keyword: Vologda Oblast

Public Health Risk Factors: Lifestyle

In the determination of morbidity and mortality the role the behavioral factor, i.e. people's attitude towards their own health, is constantly increasing. Lifestyle and health-promoting activity define about 50% of public health, along with such factors as heredity, environment and healthcare. Using statistical data and sociological monitoring, we analyze the major trends in public health and lifestyle of the population in Vologda Oblast. In Vologda Oblast 46% of the population are content about their health. The number of respondents who rated their health as bad or very bad fell by almost one half. It is shown that the number of people who see themselves as partly or fully responsible for their own health is growing in the region. In 2013, this figure increased to 88% of the population. It is revealed that only 6% of the population in the region does not demonstrate any destructive components of self-preservation behavior, while 94% has at least one practice of self-destructive nature. However, year after year, positive forms of self-preservation behavior are becoming more common among the people in Vologda Oblast

Kalachikova O. N.

Korchagina P. S.

Keywords: public health lifestyle life interval Vologda Oblast

Regional opportunities in regulating a reproductive people's behavior

To make our recommendation on optimizing a demographic policy, we consider how people's reproductive behavior influences regional birth rates. Our case-study on the Vologda Oblast suggests that there is a trend to have a few children in families as people's reproductive plans could not be realized because of people's lack of confidence in the future economic stability in the country or stable family partner's relationships, or their dissatisfaction with their incomes, housing conditions, and healthcare and educational services. Within our case-study we developed the recommendations on the objectives to be included in the demographic policy for the Vologda Oblast and an interagency coordination plan to ensure higher birth rates in this region.

Dobrokhleb V. G.

Shabunova А. A.

Kalachikova O. N.

Keywords: depopulation fertility depopulation demographic policy management Vologda Oblast

Efficiency of health care expenditures: assessing the experience of Vologda Oblast

The study analyzes present approaches applied to assess how effective the expenditures for public health care are. We show that the techniques based on nothing but assessment of the resource components have some defects as they fail to allow for social effects. To overcome this shortage, we recommend the technique which is of 5-years practice in the Vologda Oblast, and which compounds the financial and demographic analysis. We present the results of our economic analysis made by applying such technique

Duganov M. D.

Shabunova А. A.

Kalashnikov K. N.

Keywords: Vologda Oblast health care public expenditures assessment methods efficiency

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
