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Restructuring of the East German Industry

The article deals with the institutional and real-economic restructuring of industry in the former GDR based on the transformation of society. It shows how the country overcame the difficulties, what were the effects of a trans­formational crisis and consequences for the property relations. We also discuss the arranged measures aimed at reviving economic growth and the restruc­turing of industrial production related with the reindustrialization. To analyze the relationship between the institutional restructuring and its impact on the real economy, we use economic statistical methods. The restructuring of institu­tions has defined the vector of development for the East German industry, which is stipulated by its integration into the all-German economic system but has a very limited potential for growth and catching-up development. The region is currently much less behind West Germany but still not at the same level. The performance of the East German manufacturing industry accounts for about 63% of the West German one, and its increase has slowed down.

Ludwig U. udo.ludwig@iwh-halle

Keywords: East Germany industry transformation privatization institutional change reindustrialisation restructuring middle class

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
