Search by keyword: labor potential

Socio-Economic Polarization of Rural Areas in Russia

The article presents the results following the clustering of Russian rural regions according to socio-demographic and economic criteria by K-average method. We have identified factors for the regional polarization of the agro-food complex. The paper shows that rural areas in Russia are polarized due to climatic, geographic, ethnic, and economic factors that define the potential for rural development. Economic clustering of regions is based on the amount of in­vestment, performance and profitability of agriculture, as well as on the structure by the nature of households. The potential for the development of regions has a substantial socio-economic character. The article demonstrates that the deve­lopment of human potential and rural development are interrelated and inter­dependent. The map illustrates how the identified clusters are located in terms of geography. The database of the research comprises statistics and materials of special selected studies carried out by the state statistical agencies of the Russian Federation. The results of our analysis may be of benefit to the executive authorities when designing programs for socio-economic development of rural areas and validating strategies for the reindustrialization of agro-industry.

Kalugina Z. I.

Fadeeva O. P.

Bratyushchenko S. V.

Keywords: socio-economic polarization clustering of regions socio-demographic potential labor potential prospects for development

Using the Labor Potential of the Third Age Population in the Republic of Bashkortostan

Based on a survey given, the article discusses social and economic aspects of how the labor potential of the third age population is exploited in the Republic of Bashkortostan. In 2008, the number and proportion of working-age population began declining. The working-age population in Bashkortostan reduced by more than 400 thousand people. Along with this demographic process, another one has started: the elderly population is growing. Such a large decrease in the working-age population demands to make adjustments to the policy of social and labor relations: it is necessary to concentrate on attracting new workforce and increasing the efficiency of manpower. Under the evolving demographic situation, engaging people of retirement age in the economy could be one of the ways to solve the problem in hand. The survey was conducted among working and non-working members of the third age (55-72 years), and employers in the region. The probabilistic random sampling method was chosen. Respondents were selected at the survey site by using screening questions on their age and presence of regular employment. The poll covered a wide range of questions concerning labor and financial position, opportunities to continue working, health and other issues. Employed pen­sioners answered a series of questions on types of employment and working conditions, and whether their profession and field of employment correlated with their education, experience and qualifications. The article shows which conditions will help to engage the third age population in the economy in order to actually make up for the reduction of the able-bodied population in the region.

Galin R. A.

Yapparova R. R.

Keywords: labor potential labor resources demographic structure of population pension age persons pensioners employment labor-market

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
