Search by keyword: Kazakhstan

Monitoring system as an instrument of operational decisions making

The Informational System for Monitoring of National Socio-Economic Indicators operating in the Kazakhstan Republic is the first stage in building the Situational Center under the Ministry of Economy and Budget Planning of Kazakhstan. This System serves as a tool to assess operational parameters of the national economy and to predict future ones; to identify the sectors which are in critical state; and to make proper operational decisions via feedback regime.

Alpysbaieva S. N.

Bopieva Zh. K.

Keywords: Kazakhstan monitoring economy management Kazakhstan monitoring

Diversified oil policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan

The complex analysis of the oil policy conducted by the Republic of Kazakhstan identifies potential ways of its diversifying. The best variant to develop the oil-and-gas sector is gradual increasing of the volumes of oil-and-gas processing and covering of the inland and foreign consumers' demand for wide variety of oil-products.

Zhumagulov R. B.

Keywords: Kazakhstan oil commercial and public efficiency oil export diversification major pipelines markets

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
