Content №2 от 2011

Economic impacts of governmental regulation in the forestry

An official assessment of the quality and volume of the Russian forest resources would promote governmental regulation of the timber processing complex. Even an initial step in such regulation - increased export duties for roundwood - impacted negatively having made the timber harvesting in the Eastern regions unprofitable. However, according to the customs statistics, no export structural changes have been observed. We can state that implementation of the projects which became "priority ones" due to a favourable access to resources may results in the relative overproduction of cellulose and its market difficulties. New timber processing technologies could change the structure of current competitive advantages in the world's timber processing complex

Blum Iu. Sh.

Babenko T. I.

Mashkina L. V.

Yermolaev O. V.

Keywords: Forestry Code customs duties assessment consequences commercial and public efficiency priority projects

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