Content №3 от 2001
The role of energy resources of eastern regions in the solution of national economic problems
The new situation in Russia after the demise of the USSR puts to the forefront, in the author's mind, the importance of the eastern strategic direction of foreign economic ties. The fuel and energy potential of eastern areas of the country, especially of Eastern Siberia and the Far East, can be taken as one of the crucial instruments for a deeper integration of Russia in the North-Eastern Asian ( NEA) nations. The jointly created advanced energy infrastructure will permit to reduce the costs of fuels, improve reliability of power and heat supply to consumers countries-partners, to promote environmental protection. To this end, it is required, in the author's opinion, to develop a comprehensive long-term strategy of energy interaction of Russia with NEA countries and mechanisms for its implementation. This strategy can be elaborated by joint effort of interested countries endorsed by the Russian state.