Content №2 от 2018
Spatial Development Strategy of Russia: Expectation and Reality
The article presents the stance of the Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering SB RAS on launching the Spatial Development Strategy of the Russian Federation, on the content of various versions of the strategy concept and its structure. We show that while conceptual approaches to the strategy design were in the works, its implementation priorities, direction, and mechanisms underwent a fundamental change. Whereas the first version of the strategy concept contained a progressive vision of the problems, challenges, priorities, and possible scenarios of Russia’s spatial development and implementation mechanisms, every subsequent iteration lost some of these progressive features. The article details the conceptual defects of the latest versions of the Concept of the Russian Spatial Development Strategy and the Structure of the Russian Spatial Development Strategy, which disrupt attempt to positively evaluate these documents: ignoring new trends, challenges, and threats emerging in the Russian space; favoring the task of mastering funds to implement the strategy only through urban agglomerations advancement while dismissing tasks of social justice and citizens’ human potential support, environmental safety of business and dwelling in specific areas, and others.
Kolomak Ie. A.
Kriukov V. A.
Melnikova L. V.
Seliverstov V. Ye.