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Conflict-generating factors of marriage behavior inYakutiya

The paper analyzes the data of the sociologic and demographic survey to show what attitudes towards marriage life can be observed among the people in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). We found that there are generations' differences in their attitudes towards the gist, forms and principles of marriage, as well as the reasons and motives of family conflicts and divorces. In respondents' opinions - regardless their marriage and family status - any marriage conflict happens due to a number of reasons connected with each other, and their impact acquires a character of a chain reaction - a primary reason induces a chain of disagreement eventually demonstrating the vulnerability of marriage relationship.

Barashkova A. S.

Sukneva S. A.

Keywords: family conflict-generating factors de facto marriage divorce focus group poll

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
