Search by keyword: innovation economy

Ecologization of production in the light of innovation development

The paper analyses the opportunities and limitations to introducing innovations into environmental management, basic trends of ecologization of production associated with introducing innovation economic development principles to solve environmental problems, and principle difficulties in the practical introduction of innovations into the environmental protection. We propose new financial tools to promote the attraction of investments into long-term and capital-intensive environmental projects in conditions of the economic crisis. Using a case-study for the Lower Angara region, we test such approach based on innovation principles.

Burmatova O. P.

Keywords: innovation economy innovation economy environmental innovation sustainable development cleaner production ecological modernization

Structural and institutional context of building an innovation economy

The study considers the key factors of building and further development an innovation economy and peculiarities of Russian institutional system of the post-soviet period. We show how a natural resource rent has defined a character of the built institutions, and we also prove the necessity of reforms in public administration to overcome a «resource curse» of Russian economy and ensure its innovation development.

Alexeyev A. V.

Keywords: economic institutions innovation economy dynamics investments economic assessment

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
