Search by keyword: monopolization

Reality of Regions and Regional Research

The paper analyzes the mains problems of a consistently-functioning state. Economic stagnation and abnormally high dependence on the global economy, reducing level of habitation in geopolitically important areas of a country, historic settlement system crisis, distortion of the structure and decline in skilled labor reserves, as well as low chances to implement regional and local initiatives—all the arguments are examined in the framework of internal misbalance of natural resource, economic, infrastructural, socio-demographic, and administrative potentials of local territories. Moreover, we present how subjects of conceptual studies on the described phenomena and their number do not correspond with their public prominence because of their results not requested by the government authorities

Leksin V. N.

Keywords: monopolization tax preferences tax privileges stability balance labor resources level of habitation in areas settlement system region

Federate relations in the period of economic turbulence

The paper analyses the impact of institutions of federalism on the economic development in the crisis, and the effectiveness of anti-recessionary programs. We put forward the hypothesis that federations proved to be less sensitive to the negative impacts of a crisis. The fact that in Russia, the crisis had much more negative impacts than in other countries, could be explained by the nature of Russian institutional system and, especially, by deterioration of Russian institutions of federalism.

Klistorin V. I.

Keywords: federation unitary state crisis monopolization crisis stability

Structural features of modern sectoral markets in Russia

The paper proposes a new classification of industrial market players (firms) by indicators such as «concentration of firms» and «sustainability of leading market positions». This classiiication allows identifying the several types of markets which can be characterized by their market power and models of players' behavior. We analyse Russian markets by applying such classification criteria, and show that the «concentration of firms» for all markets under study proved to have high values. This means that there can be observed the dominating players in the markets, while of a different dominating degree (therefore, market power). As such players dominate in markets, no further development of liberal forms of competition may be expected, as well as the players' behavior models prevailing in markets are far from traditional forms of competitiveness.

Yusupova A. T.

Keywords: foreign trade strategy market structure classification firm analysis competitiveness monopolization stability

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
