Content №3 от 2002

The development strategy for the Far East and Trans-Baikal areas out to 2010

The paper is a discourse upon the development strategy for the Far East and Trans-Baikal areas out to 2010 preceded by the analysis of the dynamics and problems of these areas in the period of reformation and, in particular, of the results of the presidential earmarked program for 1996-2000. In the strategy, the objectives, priorities and scenarios of the future development of the region are determined. The existing general economic possibilities are examined, and a system of specific shifts toward the implementation of the strategy proposed. Special attention is paid to projects associated with the region's fuel and energy complex, transport infrastructure, resource sector, foreign economic relations and social problems. The key statements of the strategy (proposals on the formation of mechanisms, system of measures, development projects etc.) are used in the new version of the federal earmarked program of the region's development for the period out to 2010.

Minakir P. A.

Miheeva N. N.

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