Content №2 от 2007
Modernizing management in oil-ad-gas complex in the Chechen Republic
The paper states that it is unlikely to succeed in quick restoring the economy of the Chechen Republic only through federal funding. It had happened at least twice to the Republic to restore its destroyed economy - after the Civil War in Russia and the World War II. Today the successful restoration primarily depends on how its oil-and-gas sector will develop. Presently this sector governs the economic development in the Republic. It is a sector where market relations have developed without public subventions much quicker than in any other sectors. To increase its effectiveness, the author offers the idea to create a united regional complex managed by the body allowing for a specific role, which the sector plays in the regional economy, as well as taking into account the necessity to ensure a full governmental control over all enterprises of the complex. The structure and functions of such managerial body is also presented by the author.