Content №4 от 2006

Perspectives in Power Provision of Siberian Federal District

The article discusses the paradoxical situation in Siberia: while the region has a huge energy resource potential and is regarded as a major and perspective base of electric power supply being able to cover the needs of European Russia and country’s export, it may face a deficit of electric power in the near future. This may happen, as the authors see, because of the fact that, being carried away by reforming the power industry, the governing body of the industry has overestimated the potential facilities of Siberian power system and underestimated the growing demand for power as the regional economy develops. The paper assesses the potential growth of electric power sector in the Siberian Federal District due to the large investment projects proposed and being planned to be implemented up to 2010-2012 by public and private companies. The conclusion is that the energy facilities, which are planning to be put into operation according to the Power Industry Development Schedule, will be insufficient even if an energy saving regime in the region is highest possible.

Churashev V. N.

Markova V. M.

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
