Content №4 от 2005

The oil and gas sector of the Tomsk region

On the basis of the analysis of the conditions in the oil and gas sector of the Tomsk region; of dynamics in the volumes of output in it, of capital investments, growth of new products and high tech services rendered to the Tomskneft open company by research and education organizations and innovative-active enterprises, of summary indicators of contract R&D and research-technical services fulfilled by organizations of the National Body of Control (NBC) for the major clients operating in the oil and gas sector in the territory of the Tomsk region – a conclusion is made about the formation in the Tomsk region of an oil-and-gas cluster (OG-cluster). The authors examine factors that have played a system-forming role in the establishment of the cluster and the advantages which the Tomsk region has gained from the activity of the cluster working in the interests of the oil and gas complex of Western Siberia.

Pushkarenko A. B.

Filatov V. I.

Yampolskii V. Z.

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