Content №3 от 2005

Assessment of coal methane emission in Kuzbas

The paper gives an environmental-economic measures of the efficiency in extraction and utilization of coal methane of the Kuznetsk basin with consideration of basic notions underlying the Kyoto protocol and the Marrakesh treaty. The efficiency is estimated in three directions: for replacement of the natural gas exported to the EC and APR countries; for production of electric and thermal power for own needs and as combustion air in power plants. It is shown that the use of market mechanisms of the Kyoto protocol essentially enhances the environmental-economic efficiency in utilization of coal methane in all three directions. The effect from natural gas replacement by methane for the export to the APR countries may reach $37-55mln by 2010 without use of coal credit and 50-70% more with this credit.

Zhuravel N. M.

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