Content №2 от 2024

Self-Preservation Behavior of the Population of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Context of Life Expectancy

In 2020, Russia experienced a deviation from the positive trend of annual growth in life expectancy observed between 2006 and 2019. Despite this downturn, the Republic of Tatarstan stands out with the highest life expectancy indicators in the Volga Federal District, surpassing the national average. To clarify the regional nuances of gender-based disparities in this sphere, our article conducts a calculation and a component analysis of mortality and life expectancy dynamics in Tatarstan, focusing on sex, age, and nosological indicators. Specifically, it seeks to identify probable determinants amidst the COVID-19 pandemic during 2020-2021, comparing them with pre-pan­demic patterns. Utilizing decomposition methodology, we assess the relative contributions of cardiovascular diseases, oncology, COVID-19, and other causes of death to the growth dynamics in the average expected lost years of life expectancy. Additionally, findings from the sociological study “Demographic Well-Being of Russia" underscore differences in self-preservation behavior between men and women in the Republic of Tatarstan. Based on these insights, we have developed a draft republican strategy aimed at addressing men’s health concerns, outlining key objectives to foster optimal health conditions for males across all age groups. Additionally, the authors contributed to the formulation of the national Strategy of Action for Saving Men and Supporting Responsible Fatherhood, in collaboration with the Institute of De­mographic Research of the Federal Research Sociological Center of the Rus­sian Academy of Sciences.

Ildarkhanova Ch. I.

Arkhangelsky V. N.

Abdulzyanov A. R.

Ershova G. N.

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