Content №2 от 2024

Multilevel Positioning of Agrarian-Territorial Systems

This article delves into the examination of natural, social and economic objects, specifically focusing on the agro-industrial complex and rural areas as parts of a single framework. Through the practical application of a systemic approach, we argue for considering these objects as integral components shaping agrarian-territorial systems (ATS), comprising three primary sub­systems: natural, social, and economic. The objective is to stratify and position the ATS of Russian regions across multiple levels. The study hypothesizes that determining common developmental patterns among groups of heterogeneous agrarian-territorial formations is feasible through multilevel positioning. Re­sults, derived from system analysis and multidimensional statistics, validate this hypothesis. The main outcome is an implemented method for multilevel positioning of regional ATS, accounting for intra-cluster and inter-cluster ratios of their key subsystems (economic, social, natural). This methodology makes it possible to identify general developmental patterns within Russia’s agrarian-territorial systems, offering insights applicable to the formulation and revision of subject- and object-differentiated ATS development programs.

Baidakov A. N.

Zvyagintseva O. S.

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