Content №2 от 2024

Gradients in the Evolution of Russia’s Multiregional System

This study examines the spatial development of the Russian economy from 2000 to 2020. Besides minor changes, the territorial structure of the economy remained stable, with a decrease observed in the Asian region’s share. Our analysis reveals indicators suggesting macrostructural equilibrium in certain metrics, largely influenced by macroeconomic policies. However, regional development and local associations do not exhibit similar equilibrium traits.
We explore potential shifts in the spatial structure of the Russian Fede­ration across three avenues: the concept of a social state by A.G. Aganbegyan, initiatives under the New Economic Policy (NEP-2), and the selective evolution of the multiregional system based on the best regional practices.
Using a cognitive model, we scrutinize the roles, positions, and functions of each participant in the “regions - federal center - business structures " system, both independently and within local alliances: “federal center - busi­ness structures," “business structures - regions," and “regions - federal center. " We pay particular attention to analyzing the possibilities of distri­buting competencies and development resources equitably between regions and the federal center, along with outlining the conditions necessary to achieve such balance.

Suspitsyn S. A.

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