Content №1 от 2024
The First Conference on the Study of Productive Forces in the Buryat-Mongolian ASSR: Lessons for the Present Day
The article delves into an analysis of the inaugural conference on the study of productive forces of the Buryat-Mongolian ASSR, convened in Leningrad from April 1 to 10, 1934. Drawing insights from the conference’s published materials, the authors provide a comprehensive overview of participant demographics, sections, discussed issues, and underscore the pivotal outcomes. Through an examination of the socio-economic landscape, we elucidate the conference’s role in steering the development of the republic’s productive forces. Despite regional constraints such as geographical remoteness, sparse population, challenging climatic conditions, and economic disparities across zones, the recommendations arising from the conference, coupled with subsequent political decisions, facilitated the transformation of the agrarian republic into a prominent industrial hub in the eastern part of the country. The significance of a holistic approach to addressing issues of productive force placement and territorial organization is particularly emphasized.