Content №1 от 2024

Regional Projection of Agglomeration Economy in Russia

The study investigates how agglomeration economies operate in Russian regions, conducting empirical analyses of enterprises' performances and ex­ploring their reliance on proximity to large regional markets based on SPARK-Interfax data from 2019 to 2020. Contrary to the prevailing belief that agglomeration effects are confined to specific areas in the central part of Russia, our econometric assessments reveal a substantial influence of agglo­meration economies on the efficiency of companies situated throughout the country. Notably, every geographical zone and federal district in the Rus­sian Federation exhibits regions with both notable positive and negligible agglomeration effects, and in certain areas, these effects are even negative. The manifestation of these effects appears unrelated to the density of economic activity or the state of communication infrastructure development. The study underscores that the realization of existing agglomeration potential is hindered by the lack of collaboration among local producers.

Kolomak Ie. A.

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