Content №2 от 2023

Methodological Approaches for Substantiating the Development Directions of Grain Export Infrastructure in Siberia

The article focuses on the development of export infrastructure for grain produced in the Siberian Federal District. The research aims to assess Sibe­ria’s position in grain production and export from Russia, determine the efficiency of grain production in the main exporting regions, and evaluate the key elements of the grain export infrastructure in the district. The research aims to assess Siberia’s position in grain production and export from Russia, identify the main exporting regions within the district, and evaluate the effici­ency of their grain production. It also seeks to systematize the elements of grain export infrastructure and assess its most critical elements in the Siberian Federal District. The research further explores the potential prospects for grain export in the district and uses this information to develop and justify methodological approaches for the development of export infrastructure.
We identify the countries that consume wheat, oats, and barley produced in the region up to 2022 and address several issues: export-related challenges faced by the southernmost region of Siberia, Altai Krai, which is the primary grain supplier; problems associated with the use of seaports and international transport, the utilization of grain storage facilities in exporting regions, and small business participation in export operations. This article presents a case for a planned and forecast-based development of the grain market and infra­structure in the district. It discusses the role of information technologies in implementing this approach and presents an analysis of the existing IT infrastructure elements in the region. We also describe the commercial asso­ciations of grain exporters in the district and outline the tasks of the inter­regional association for further activities. The study highlights the strongest aspects of the grain export infrastructure in Siberian regions, which could help in the development of a common infrastructure. It identifies the most promising countries for consuming Siberian grain and proposes an organizational struc­ture for an information ecosystem to support infrastructure for grain exports in the district.
Our work is based on 2017-2022 data, obtained from the state statistics system, regional agriculture and food ministry reports, and publicly available sources.

Gritcenko G. M.

Bykov A. A.

Aleschenko V. V.

Aleschenko O. A.

Chupin R. I.

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