Content №2 от 2022

Changes in Citizens’ Transportation Behavior During COVID-19 Pandemic (the Case of St. Petersburg and Beijing)

The paper presents the results of an empirical analysis of changes in transportation behavior of Saint Petersburg and Beijing residents that occurred due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The research is meant to identify the factors that had the greatest impact on citizens’ transportation behavior during the pandemic in Saint Petersburg and Beijing. Based on the residents’ survey data, we find out that similar quarantine measures had different effec­tiveness in the two cities, depending on characteristics of transportation beha­vior that city dwellers exhibited. The research methodology involves the ana­lysis of open data, as well as of descriptive statistics on the primary data. Our deductions can be used while designing urban transportation policy aimed at changing the characteristics of citizens’ transportation behavior, including quarantine regulations. The main conclusion of the study is that the effecti­veness of quarantine measures taken by the city authorities depends to a large extent on citizens’ behavioral pattern developed before the pandemic.

Sokolova E. V.

Isaeva K. V.

Sun J.

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