Content №3 от 2021

Timber Industry in the Asian Part of Russia: Condition, Trends, Prospects

A tenth of the world’s forest resources are concentrated in the Asian part of Russia, but the efficiency of their use is not high. The forest industry in the Asian part of Russia has vast development potential. However, it is also characterized by raw material export orientation, low value-added production, insufficient reforestation measures, and underdeveloped forest infrastructure. This article analyzes the main trends and prospects for the forest industry development in the Asian part of Russia. By analyzing statistical indicators, official program documents, and media materials, we arrive to the following conclusion: the factors mentioned above, together with the lack of a systematic government policy aimed at supporting producers, carrying out measures to protect and restore the ecological situation in the regions and regulate forest relations severely impede the development of the forest industry. It is necessary to establish a new national industrial policy for the industry’s effective functio­ning and intensification.

Stoylova A. S.

Mashkina L. V.

Pyzhev A. I.

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