Content №2 от 2020
Methodological Approach to Smart Specialization for the Russian Regions
Applied engineering of new development mechanisms for Russian regions is relevant due to the inefficiency of innovation strategies currently in force and the fact that science and technology (S&T) are detached from the sectoral capabilities of the territories. Russia’s new spatial development strategy, adopted in 2019, has led to a conflict between promising sectoral economic specializations and real problems in territories of different types.
When coordinating sectoral and territorial approaches, one called “smart specialization" may play a dominant role. The article describes the differences between traditional and smart specializations. In the case of the latter, it is not separate branches that are chosen as “points", but a set of various economic activities in conjunction with regional competences is defined as a fuzzy core with blurred boundaries. Here we give characteristics to sectoral, patent, innovation and publication components as constituent parts of the methodological approach being elaborated.
All components are linked through the priorities of the Science and Technology Development Strategy, which acts as a national research platform (program) reflecting the long-term economic and social priorities. A well-coordinated choice of regional development prospects solves the problem of isolated technological forecasts for territories.
The developed matrix for selecting sectoral and S&T priorities for the territory can be viewed as a basis for regional investment projects selection. Thus, the federal executive authorities will be able to set a general outline for the most spatially desirable S&T objectives and take on venture risks with supporting technological startups and emerging industries.