Content №3 от 2019
Current Economic and Institutional Capabilities of PRC Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region with Regard to Interregional Cooperation
The current stage of Chinese-Russian relations, aimed at inclusive cooperation development, determines the relevance of studying the foundations of interregional cooperation in a single Central Asian transboundary area. The article is devoted to the development trends, status, capabilities, and features of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (XUAR) in the context of China’s state plans for opening the economy and improving its western regions. We estimate the actual status of XUAR’s resources and foreign trade based on Chinese statistics and mainly Chinese research. The article demonstrates how highly efficient the state administration is in terms of carrying out plans for the economic and social growth in the XUAR during the course of national program implementation; moreover, it discusses the current issues and priorities for socio-economic development and interregional cooperation.