Content №2 от 2018

Quantification Inequality (the Case of Remuneration Income in the Constituent Entities of The Russian Federation)

The article deals with the study of nature and features of the instruments which are most often used to quantify income inequality. It is shown that, in general case, the results obtained when using different tools for quantitative assessment both of inequality and dynamics of its changes do not coincide. Thus, judgments about inequality based on the results of using the studied tools may differ and even contradict each other. In the case of personal income inequality, this allows one to use a particular tool to manipulate public consciousness and to present changes in a beneficial light (from a certain point ofview or for some persons / groups ofpersons). The estimation of wage income inequalities in constituent entities of the Russian Federation based on official statistics for 2000-2015 allowed calculating the dynamics of the measure of inequality, which was proposed by the author, not only for all the subjects of the Russian Federation, but also for some of their groups, and determining periods of this measure growth and decline.

Kazantsev S. V.

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