Content №4 от 2017

Age Specific of Interregional Migration in Russia

This article analyzes differences between age-specific interregional migration profiles in Russia and their features. The study relies on the data on internal interregional migration by one-year age groups for the period of 2011–2015, and data on migration between municipal formations by five-year age groups for the period of 2012–2015. The primary method of analysis is to classify age-specific migration profiles. We divided the regions of Russia into two types: with net interregional migration gain and with net migration loss. Then we defined sub-types of regions differed by migration gain (loss) in the key age groups and by age-specific migration rates. The article shows and explains variations in indices of the age-specific intensity of net interregional migration, as well as highlights the impact of migration on the age structure of the population in regions.

Karachurina L. B.

Mkrtchyan N. V.

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