Content №2 от 2017

Hydropower Projects in the Mongolian Part of the Selenga River Transboundary Basin: Possible Risks for the Russian Federation

The article analyzes the Mongolian projects to regulate streamflow in the Se-lenga River transboundary basin. It rationalizes a program aimed at evaluating probable consequences of streamflow regulation for Russia's territory. These estimates consider the needs to maintain the safety of Lake Baikal and the Selenga River transboundary basin, meet demands of water users and consumers in Rus­sia and Mongolia under different water availability conditions. The obtained results will help to prepare science-based proposals for mutually beneficial use of transboundary water resources and to articulate a science-based position of the Russian Federation on this issue in international negotiations.

Bychkov I. V.

Nikitin V. M.

Maksimova I. I.

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