Content №2 от 2015
The Quasi-Market Crisis as an Opportunity for Russia to Join the Mainstream of Development
The Russian economy has entered a systemic crisis due to the exhaustion of quasi-market model. In the course of history, countries overcame it through a revolutionary transition to the «razdatok» economy. However, regularities of market-razdatok global development give the possibility of an evolutionary transition to an open access regime by integrating market and razdatok institutions. We use the Razdatok theory and build a periodic table of the institutional development of Russia. The article contains a comparative institutional analysis of the two transition periods based on quasi-market. We give a forecast of how a «contract razdatok», which is the basis of the institutional matrix of an open access regime, can appear in Russia and assess the prospects for introduced institutional norms and rules
Keywords: институциональная матрица квазирынок раздаток рыночно-раздаточная эволюция магистральный путь институционального развития порядок открытого доступа