Content №2 от 2003

Spatial-strategic development of Russia: conflict-network paradigm of analysis

A new role of the spatial-strategic position of Russia under global competition is viewed through a prism of the conflict-network paradigm. The central notions of the conflict-network paradigm are the space of the world process, globalization of the world process, hierarchy of global network structures in the space of the world process, formed by interaction and ties between the agents of the world process (nation-states, political alliances of states, trans-national corporations, regions of different countries, international cities-regions, global, criminal and terrorist organisations, religious structures etc.), conflicts in the network structures of different level and between those of the same level, constructive and destructive solutions of the conflicts. Conflict in this paradigm is not an abnormal, but normal social phenomenon. The conflict-network paradigm equips the researchers with modern instruments permitting them to evaluate and analyse complexes of interrelated problems of dynamics and development of Russia's geo-economic space and ways for their solution under global competition. The conflict-network paradigm is used in the analysis of situation, problem solving, scenario building, strategic decision-making on the dynamics of geo-strategic spaces world-, country- and region-wide. The authors give an example of the use of the conflict-network paradigm for analysis of different approaches to understanding the role and challenges of Siberia in the long run reflected in the variants of development strategy for Siberia.

Dubnov A. P.

Kranov A. V.

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