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The Quality of University Training: Employers' View

The article presents a study of employers' opinion on a range of quali­ties that a university graduate should possess, as well as on the forms of uni­versity-employer interaction. We collected relevant information using a method of unstructured interview. The experts were employers who repre­sented various activities and enterprises of different forms of ownership from Kemerovo Oblast. The research has identified the qualities which, in experts' opinion, a university graduate should have, but are built up insuffi­ciently by universities. Among the growth options for the cooperation bet­ween educational institutions and employers' enterprises, the experts par­ticularly suggest changing the approaches to arranging and conducting va­rious types of practical training. The experts also note the need to strengthen the feedback between universities and employers. The research results will be used in the development of educational and training materials, which will help focus on the applicability of university training in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards.

Belchik T. A.

Povarich I. P.

Keywords: education quality quality of graduate effectiveness of specialist training employer assessment

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
