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Labor supply and economic activity reserves of the irkutsk oblast population

The paper considers the dynamics of spatial redistribution of labor resour­ces in Irkutsk Oblast, characteristics of labor supply and possible reserves of economic activity. The choice of this region derived from the fact that Irkutsk Oblast concentrates problems typical of many regions of Siberia and the Far East (high dispersion of settlement, migration outflow and relatively high unemployment). We show how migration affects the age structure of the region population and give the characteristics of jobs and employment by type of set­tlements, as well as the features of unemployment. Data collected in so­ciological studies show that, starting from the age of 45, the share of emp­loyment monotonically decreases while the proportion of people who do not want to work increases. At the same time, there exists a strong group ofpotential labor-force participants (age group of 61 to 63 years) who would like to work. An analysis of labor force participation at older ages captures differences in the levels of participation by types of settlements. As factors limiting the par­ticipation, we consider job characteristics, the prevalence of labor commuting and rotation-based work, and weak demand in the labor market. The article outlines the assumptions about reserves of economic activity in the region and the conditions for their utilization

Kirillova M. K.

Keywords: labor migration labor force unemployment economic activity of the population labor market Irkutsk Oblast

Village-Forming Enterprise Liquidation as a Factor Of Depressiveness of Non-Diversified Rural Areas in Perm Krai

The article suggests introducing a scientific term «village-forming agricul­tural enterprise)) as applied to agricultural organizations located in non-diver­sified rural areas. We carried out an analysis of statistical data characterizing the dynamics of social and economic development of rural municipal districts of Perm Krai in comparison with the average regional level. The analysis has re­vealed that Perm Krai municipal districts where a significant amount of vil­lage-forming agricultural enterprises was eliminated take the lowest places in dynamics ratings for the registered unemployment level, migration population decline, reduction of the working-age people per pensioner, agricultural pro­duction, and budget balancing. We have concluded that the liquidation of vil­lage-forming agricultural enterprises is a prime factor for the degradation of the socioeconomic sphere in rural areas; it aggravates their depression. To in­crease the attractiveness of rural labor and preserve human capital in agricul­tural production, we propose to abolish the tax on individual agricultural pro­ducers. The article proves the necessity to develop a mechanism that would transfer abandonedfields and timberland ofagricultural designation into forest reserve lands. In order to increase employment and reduce unemployment, it is necessary to organize a publicly funded community service that would take care of forests in these areas. To provide opportunities for labor mobility for the peo­ple who find workplaces outside depressed non-diversified rural areas, we pro­pose to improve the organization of intra-settlement pubtic transport. To in­crease employment, we suggest supporting the development of non-standard employment forms.

Fokin V. Ya.

Keywords: migration unemployment depressiveness of areas the budget of the municipal district non-diversified rural area village-forming agricultural enterprise the rural population territory degradation processes

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
