Search by keyword: the Russian Federation

Federalism in Russia: from a Pop-Up Slogan to a Long-Term Development Strategy

The article examines the main sources of Russia's federative statehood and its modern features. We analyze its development in connection with the general evolution trends of the idea and state practice of federalism in the today's world. It is crucial that federative relations in Russia continuously improve, as they are one of the prerequisites for the sustainable economic development of the country and its regions and are necessary to achieve the country's goals in the econo­mic and social spheres. The research methodology is based on the analysis of the main formation stages that federative relations in Russia are passing through. We focus on the fact that legal and institutionalfoundations of Russian federalism are closely related to the consolidation of its economic base, primarily through the improvement of the Russian model offiscal federalism. The article describes both finished and unfinished tasks associated with the transformation of the economic and legal framework of federative relations, which we define as the main prospects for the Russian federative reform. We have concluded that the federative reform cannot be considered complete. It should be continued, but based on a clear target-setting principle and built in close relationship with other key areas of social and economic transformation in Russia.

Bukhvald Ye. M.

Valentik O. N.

Keywords: federalism economic and legal foundations of federative relations the Russian Federation the Constitution of the Russian Federation federative reform

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
