Search by keyword: reindeer management systems

Reindeer Breeding in the Arctic Subregion: Current State and Directions for the Development

The paper discusses the role and a specific character of reindeer breeding as the main sector of the traditional northern economy. It examines advantages and drawbacks of different management systems and demonstrates the dynamics of changes and the proportion of domestic reindeer population in the federal subjects of the North. We study the reindeer breeding before the reforms and in the market period. The article further analyzes the target program of reindeer breeding development in the Komi Republic. It defines issues of economic development in the region due to the absence of a federal act on reindeer breeding, unregulated interregional connections aimed at pastures monitoring. As a conclusion, we propose directions on how to develop forest reindeer breeding: by integrated product processing and solving social problems of reindeer breeders

Ivanov V. A.

Keywords: the Komi Republic reindeer breeding reindeer management systems environmental conditions social problems of reindeer breeders

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
