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Trajectories of Incorporation into Academic Societies and Activity in Science

A trajectory of incorporation into an academic community is understood here as a combination of the places, where higher education can be acquired, and work places which can be occupied. The data of a survey carried out among the young researchers of the Siberian Branch of RAS show the fact that those researchers who graduated from the university located in the same scientific center where they were working or completing post-graduate programs at the moment of the survey («insiders») are involved in much more number of projects financed through grants. The difference between «insiders» and «outsiders» can be observed at the early stages of their scientific careers. The most successful (i.e. those who have many grants) insiders are oriented at foreign financing organizations that can be seen in their involvement in foreign projects and willingness to have permanent or temporary job abroad as well.

Cherkashina T. Yu.

Chernyshova Ye. A.

Keywords: grant activity young researchers regional research centers social capital social capital

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
