Search by keyword: assessment of possible consequences

Cities agglomeration as a unit of governance

The paper analyzes methodological approaches to building Russian cities agglomeration and their governance. Here a city agglomeration is considered as one of the forms of inter-municipal economic cooperation. On the base of the data concerning the South Kuzbass agglomeration, we consider the cooperation ties between areas and their shortcomings as such ties were built spontaneously because of the uncoordinated socio-economic policies of municipalities. We offer our recommendations on how to improve the inter-municipal cooperation laws, and topics for further researches on selecting the optimal governance models for the South Kuzbass agglomeration.

Babun R. V.

Keywords: agglomeration building inter-municipal cooperation inter-municipal projects model of governance assessment of possible consequences

Siberian urban agglomerations: preconditions to their shaping and barriers to their development

We present the arguments for an urban agglomeration concept where urban agglomeration is considered as a complex and naturally shaped socio-economic system. The preconditions of shaping such agglomerations are identified as well as the criteria for their assessment. The conditions which enhance or hinder agglomeration processes are also described. On the base of the expert polling, we compare the opinions about positive and negative effects expected from agglomeration process. As an example, we show the negative impacts of the agglomeration which may take place due to attempts «from the top», i.e. those making by the Siberian regional authorities. We come to the conclusion that a natural course of any agglomeration process through inter-municipal cooperation would be more advisable.

Goriachenko Е. E.

Mosienko N. L.

Demchuk N. V.

Keywords: urban conglomeration urban agglomeration preconditions for shaping development conditions assessment of possible consequences agglomeration effect

Full-text issues of the Journal in PDF format are available since 2006 (except for the ones published within the last year)
