Вижина И. А.
Vizhina I. A.
№3 Regional Assistance in Creating Gas-Chemical Clusters in Amur and Irkutsk Oblasts2014
№3 Innovative Economic Modernization of the Arctic Territory in Eastern Yakutia: Problems and Solutions2013
№4 Building Mechanisms of Support for Petrochemical Clusters in Eastern Siberia and Yakutia2011
№4 Issues of public-private partnership in Northern strategic projects2010
№4 How the infrastructure affects the oil-and-gas projects in the East Siberia and the Sakha Republic2008
№4 Legal regulation of investment activity in the units of the Russian Federation№1 Developing the Kovyktinsky field: ecological and economic after-effect
№4 Oil-and-gas complex of the Eastern Siberia: regional economic effects and risks2006
№3 Coordination of corporate, federal and regional interests in selecting a rout of Eastern pipe-lines2005
№3 Economic estimation of life conditions in the Russian North2004
№4 The eastern track of oil pipelines: comparative economic efficiency of variants№2 Transformation of the state northern policy